“You Always Have Say-So”
We Have A Surprise!
-There are 5 Volumes in This Book Series-
Volume II will be in the pre-launch phase starting January 2024
Reader Voices
by Lee R. Wright December, 23’
From one of the many “My Bubble Opinion” numerous YouTube Videos. The conversation that I had with my Father stood out to me. During the conversation, he stated, “Love is what you do.” This statement caused me to instantly reflect on all the times that I assumed that love was this great tingle all throughout my mind and body and would magically appear within my emotional yearning tank. It never dawned on me that my actions and the actions of others (doing) would be the main contributor to the love that I aspired to give and receive.
As we have watched and personally participated in the dream of the conditioned definition of everything love, there is one very important consideration to take: love should be effortlessly laborious without effort. We may ask, how in the world do we accomplish this? There are many ways that others may navigate through this life-sized maze, but loving yourself first is the best approach to understanding that we can’t give love if we have not experienced the true love of our natural universal self.
I can remember the times growing up practicing to love someone or something but never quite getting to the point of those efforts being on autopilot. It always took assuming, best guessing, trial and error, winging it, and anything that I hadn’t tried before. This has been practiced by me to no end until I started taking the baby step to understanding that loving me first was a pretty cool and damn good experience.
One of the ways that helped and allowed me to even approach myself with the assumed definition of what love was as everything and everyone around my social space taught me was to not think about or consider anything around me before I thought or considered myself FIRST. It took some practice, indeed, but over time, I became pretty good at it. At no point in time was I selfish or inconsiderate about anything outside of my “BUBBLE.” This self-attentive approach allowed me to appreciate the value of those around me even more.
As you read this book series, I would ask you to consider your value to yourself throughout each day and take baby steps to embrace yourself as the amazing purpose of your life journey because “Love Is What You Do.” Thank you.
Calling for Newsletter Contributors
We are currently looking for newsletter contributors who have read the “MY BUBBLE OPINION” Book and used some of the information to help with their own personal Evolution or helped those around them get a little better “MY BUBBLE OPINION” perspective. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us at thebubble@mybubbleopinion.com
by “My Bubble Opinion” Newsletter Manager, December 2023
A House .vs A Home - A House vs. A Home - Talks with my Dad - Constructive Talks LRW
Other People’s Stuff - Other People's Stuff - Constructive Talks LRW
“MY BUBBLE OPINION” Book Excerpt #1
“MY BUBBLE OPINION” Book Excerpt #2
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